Future of Cities

This report shares the findings from this Future of Cities Open Foresight research project. It identifies…

The 15 most innovative countries in the world

Every year, the World Economic Forum releases itsĀ Global Competitiveness ReportĀ on the state of the world’s economies.…

Value of Data

Throughout 2018 a series of 30 workshops were undertaken around the world exploring the key topic…

Footrest Laptop Workstations

Spending all day on a laptop is the reality for many consumers who do work in…

Automated Robotic Farms

Founded by a former Google software engineer, the Iron Ox Farm is staffed almost exclusively by…

Pet Companionship Robots

Consumers are leading hectic lifestyles more than ever that could lead to their furry friends being…

Comic-Inspired Museum Exhibits

Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture has recently unveiled a new exhibit titled Marvel: Universe of Super…

Home-Style Movie Events

Bumble and HBO came together to host a ‘Stay Home’ activation centered around encouraging people to…

Urban Two-Person Scooters

Urban transportation needs are changing as density increases and traditional vehicles subsequently become obsolete, which is…