Incredibly Creative Rug Designs

Richard Hutten tapped nine leading designers for a capsule of extravagantly creative rugs. The initiative is…

Authentic Grass Slippers

The cider brand Somersby just dropped what claims to be the world’s first real grass slippers…

Race-Inspired Airline Seating Concepts

Emirates and Mercedes-Benz enter a collaboration together to amplify the comfort and luxury of the airline’s…

Virtual Reality Bus Services

Taking long flights and bus trips can often result in feeling bored or like you have…

Customizable Car Seating Systems

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, Lear’s Intu intelligent seating system was on display within the…

Bicycle-Mounted Barbecues

Everybody loves a good barbecue session especially in the warmer months, but the fact of the…

Wearable Snack Harnesses

For the Super Bowl this year, Reynolds Wrap—which is known for its aluminum cooking foil—introduced the…

Commuter Breakfast Cups

Designed to be “the world’s greatest portable cereal cup,” the CrunchCup is a refreshing invention that…

Unstaffed Denim Stores

Mapo-gu, Seoul Korea is now home to an innovative denim store design and a new flagship…